Monday, June 27, 2016

Project- Growing Sweet Potatoes

Project- Growing Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potato slips in garden. Week 1 outside.

With summer here in full force , the heat is just too much to perform gardening  chores except for the occasional watering.That's an essential task if you want plants to survive in this heat . 
The potatoes, tomatoes, peas and beans have been very good this year for a change. Probably that was due to our mild Spring weather and the amount of rain that fell.
So I thought I would start a project to grow sweet potatoes, a summer crop here in the South.

Starting the slips from this year's potato

I saw on Pinterest how you could take a mature sweet potato , put it in water and then just watch it grow, So I did this by balancing the potato over a jar of water and was surprised to see  that the eyes on the potato started to sprout almost overnight and continued to grow so that in about 2 weeks I had 5 good size potato slips ( that's the name for the baby plant). These you carefully break off and put in another jar and within a week they too have formed roots, Then off they go to the garden veggie plot and are now growing well. 

starting to grow

I took the remaining potato, cut it in half and put it in a bowl of water because there were still some eyes on it. 
Waste not, want not I thought, so let's see if they will grow as well. 

Welll they have started growing too now so hopefully by the time Thanksgiving comes along we will have enough sweet potoatoes to make a sweet potato pie. A Chrissy favorite !!

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