Thursday, September 1, 2016

Morgan's Run by Colleen Mc Cullough

This is a historical novel based on a true story of an average person written by a very good author,Colleen McCullough.She also wrote "The Thorn Birds".
 It was written in 2000 and I have had it on my bookshelf for a while.  One day I picked it up and glanced inside and thought  I can't believe I haven't read this.
 It is such an excellent book and anyone who is interested in English history, Bristol, the settlement of Australia with  the first convicts in the 18 century will find it truly worth reading.It is a book you can't put down.It is not dull history and the story holds your interest.
It has great maps and is split into sections that covers certain times and locations. The characters are well developed and often based on real people of the time.Richard Morgan of Bristol is the main character and you see how his life goes through many changes as he moves from being a skilled craftsman to become an innocent convict and the journey he faces to Botany Bay in Australia. He does earn his freedom and eventually settles in the new land.
I knew a certain amount of history of this time but this book told me so much more. The harrowing journey of those first sailing ships carrying the convicts made you realise not all you thought you knew was in fact true and what hardships those settlers down-under faced.
An old one but a good one!

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