Monday, June 13, 2016

The Bone Labyrinth by James Rollins

The Bone Labyrinth by James Rollins

James Rollins is a well-known author who has published many  gripping novels. This one is no exception to that rule . He obviously did a great deal of research into genetics and the continuing and ever increasing use by scientist to change them for good and evil. 
 He looks also back into the development of the very first humans and their cities like Atlantis   and early symbols buried deep in caves . 
This is a complicated plot with lots of action and gets so detailed in places that you can lose the thread of the plot line if you are not careful.
The characters are well developed and interesting if somewhat implausible.
If you like the books  such as "The Da Vinci code" with it's complicated and intriguing plot based on symbols and also "Jurassic Park",centered on fantasy, wrapped around interesting characters and scientific reseach, you will enjoy this book.

I did read it all because I needed to know the final outcome of the characters and the mystery but in my opinion, it went just too far into the realms of impossibility.

I can see that this book could certainly be made into a block- busting, violent and colorful, fast moving movie.

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