Friday, July 8, 2016

Project growing sweet potatoes #2

Project growing sweet potatoes #2

I have lots of enquiries about this process from friends so I thought it was time to show the next steps in the project.

As soon as the slips are growing well on the old potato, you have to break them off as close to the old potato as you can. Put  these in a water jar and soon they will begin to send out their own roots

 As soon as the roots are grown, plant outside in the garden making sure you spread them out to give the potatoes room to grow in the soil. it takes a long while. 

It helps if they are in good, fairly loose soil, have lots of sun and are kept watered. The green leaves look really nice as well.

 I haven't mulched mine yet but will need to do so as the temperature is close to 100 degrees most days and I need the roots to be kept moist.

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