Monday, July 11, 2016

Saturn Run by John SANDFORD and CTEIN

Saturn Run by John SANDFORD and CTEIN

A terrific thriller with lots of interesting characters. It is set in a plot to be the first country to  find aliens on Saturn.This  sounds like a book I would not even pick up but after reading both Seven Eves and The Martian  and finding them both captivating , I looked at this one and decided to give it a try.

It was well worth reading even though it is a large book and does take a while to read. It is technical but not so much that the average reader couldn't understand the space technology. The characters are  all well developed and interesting.The plot holds your attention.

The main character is a  talented photographer/videographer  working as  an intern at a space observation laboratory who discovers an object that appear to have landed on Saturn.The question becomes  will this be our first contact with an alien race.  
China is already ahead in the space exploration field and is planning a trip to Mars. The President of USA plans to get ahead of China by making the first contact with the aliens. So who will win? the race is on. 
Will they see aliens, Will they be able to even get there and back?Who will win the race?
I was hooked and found it a great read.

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