Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Beautiful Morning Glories- the best flowers this year.

Photo by Mike
Every year I try to grow Morning Glory flowers. These beautiful flowers that grow on a vine look so beautiful as the climb up a fence or a pole. They grow in many different climates but probably prefer a place somewhat cooler than  we have here in Texas.
 Every year I try.  I buy a packet of seeds and early in the spring find a suitable place and plant them.
 Many years have I  have not been successful. They either start off well and after a few weeks , seem to just stop or sometimes nothing comes up at all.

So this year I was so pleased when about 5 of the seeds of the many I had planted, seemed to be growing well.
This was in May. The vines continued to grow and I eagerly waited for the lovely purple flowers to arrive.
And arrive they did. Soon the vines had climbed to the top of the pole and were producing many flowers.

These beautiful trumpet-like flowers usually only last one day and soon disappear and then the next day ,another one will come along to take the place. The color during the day also changes and I guess, It's because of the light ,They go from a very pretty blue to purple and then a pale almost pink color.
True to their name, they are at their best in the morning and gradually die off during the day.
I kept them well watered and now they are still blooming  .

Just a lovely plant to grow.

1 comment:

J & B said...

They well deserve their name!