Thursday, October 20, 2016

Sole Survivor by Dean Koontz

This is a book I have had on by bookshelf for quite some time and eventually I got around to reading it.
We have had some really hot weather here lately- reading is a cool pastime!

Now that Fall is here, I'll be doing other things again.
Joe Carpenter , the main character of the book, is living through a nightmare. His wife and 2 children have died very suddenly in catastrophic , unexplainable nightmare when the plane they were on, crashed. Joe is devastated and his life is falling apart.
 On a visit to his family's grave the following year, he sees a woman taking pictures of the grave but before he can really talk with her, shots are fired at them and the woman runs away.
He seeks her out and establishes that she is saying she  was on the plane that crashed but from the information he has, was that there were NO survivors.
 He is determined to talk to this woman again remembering that someone is targeting her and he needs to know why. Maybe just, maybe his family also survived.

He finds out that he too is being followed and so the tale begins. It has a surprising ending and somewhat far-fetched. It goes into the realms of unexplainable scientific findings and  the creation of intelligence.
Interesting , somewhat technical but very suspenseful especially towards the climax of the book. 

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