Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Christmas Bells

Christmas Bells
(First written in 2013)

The bell that Flo made
I'm not sure why bells are so popular as decorations at Christmas but they often appear on Christmas cards and in carols, I guess it's from the bells that rang from the church steeples at Christmas to let people celebrate the birth of Jesus.

The bell we have at our house has special memories. This lovely red bell covered with pearls and ribbons is actually a music box. When you pull the chain underneath it rings out the  favorite Christmas song, Jingle Bells.
Years ago I sent this bell in a kit to my Mum ( Flo) thinking she would like to make it for Christmas. I didn't realize that each little pearl bead had to be pinned on individually and there are lots and lots of pearls on that bell. I was told about all the work it took to make it for quite a long while !! Every year she would get it out hang it in a place of honor and retell the story of how long it took to make.
Now we have it in our house so every year I get it out and I continue the tradition of how long it took to make by telling you.

Then I play the jingle bells and remember....

( It was strange this year, as I took it out of the packing box-- went into the kitchen,
it started playing it's jingle bell tune all by itself- makes you really wonder about things......)

That's the beauty of Christmas.

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