Monday, November 28, 2016

The Mandibles by Lionel Shriver

The Mandibles by Lionel Shrive

  In this time of political unrest and stress, this isn't the best book to choose to read. It is a very clever and insightful book that once you have started reading it , it is hard to stop.

  Unlike any other science fiction novel I have read, this book is set in the period 2029-2047 so it is considered the near future. and takes place in the USA.  

This is the tale of the Mandible family and how they managed after a complete collapse of the dollar. This leads to all kinds of societal  collapse  in the USA. 

The multi- generational family consists of a wealthy 97-year-old patriarch, his wife, suffering from dementia and his 2nd wife who lives with them. His children,  a son has fled the area and his two daughters with their children live  in the same area but have very different life styles and status.
 One family is very much upper middle class whereas the other family is having difficulties managing the basic requirements to live. They also have children, who are all great individual characters as well. Many levels of society and status are covered in this one family.

The situation rapidly deteriorates everywhere with high inflation and governmental oppression.  All gold is confiscated. Commodities, food and jobs become increasingly limited and gradually the whole family finds itself coming together for support until all are living in a very small house and are just getting by.

That is about a half of the book and it is at times hard to read, but also very inventive with even a humorous twist here and there.
Not everyone will enjoy it but I found it interesting as it showed just what might happen in the future. Hopefully not.

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