Saturday, July 30, 2016

Broken Promises by LInwood Barclay

Broken Promises by Linwood Barclay

This is written by a well-known best-selling author and it is an intriguing book to read.
I didn't know it is actually book 1 of a trilogy and usually, I steer clear of these kinds of books as I find often I can't get the following books very easily. The book is placed in the small town of Promise Falls , a town already in a state of decline.
The characters are many but all well defined and interesting. The main character is a journalist, David. He is trying to make a living in  the small town, having returned to Promise Falls in order to get help from his family, rearing his son.  Into the story comes his mentally challenged cousin who has had a baby that was still born and makes her delusional.
This leads to another  story line when the cousin claims to have a new  baby that has been given to her by an angel. When David delves into this unlikely happening, he finds a murdered lady and a missing baby . The police  are already busy with other unusual local problems which include 11 dead squirrels hanging on a fence, rape at the local college, break-in at the now derelict amusement park  There is no doubt that it appears that David's cousin has stolen the baby and murdered the mother.
It is up to David to solve the mystery.
This is called a thriller but I found it to be more an interesting mystery.
Fairly easy to read but the story lines are interwoven so you have to keep alert to follow the interwoven story.

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