Thursday, August 18, 2016

Fall MIgration Already?

Fall Migration Already?

Yesterday we had visitors. 
These visitors usually come by about twice a year , Spring and Fall. You can't miss them when they visit. They are a group of about 50-100 blackbirds of some kind that suddenly swoop down into the yards , perch on all the trees, eat like things possessed and then fly a few yards and scrounge around there to see whatever else there is to eat. 
Then on to  the next yard.
They are noisy and you can't miss them. You can certainly hear them coming from afar. They are also quite apprehensive of people, cats and dogs. If you go outside to see them , the slightest movement will make them take to the air and fly a small way and land again.They keep circling in the immediate area for a while and then take off again to go.......somewhere?
So it was quite a surprise to see them all landing here yesterday.

Yes, it has been unusually cool here for Texas in the last 2 weeks but surely not Fall here already?

Maybe the birds know something we don't know.

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