Saturday, August 13, 2016

Twas 60 years ago today….

Twas 60 years ago today….

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Guess what?
As I write this blog at 6am , he is now sleeping away in a bed just steps away from my computer desk.
Pretty amazing isn't it?
A chance encounter in another land and at a different time can last so long.

Of course , that is just the start of the story.
Many other happenings, coincidence or just plain fate came into play as well and turned that encounter into a lasting love, friendship and happy marriage.
Just think, If I had planned that year to go on holiday to say- Paris or Felixstowe , would the outcome eventually have been the same?
I like to think so.
If we had lived in places far apart would that seaside vacation and encounter   become just a vague memory?
It may have had some variations.
Whatever it was that drew us together at that time and place, I'm so glad and happy it did as we have had a great life together.
You just never know what will happen .....

PS.I can thank the  Mike for being the smart one who can remember these things.
 I am useless with dates !!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great story, I've never heard how you met! It is amazing how it all works out. Love you both.