Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Night Surprise 2016

Election night Surprise2016

I am sure the suspense is killing everyone tonight waiting for election results but here is comfort food to enjoy. A nice surprise for us on this cold and wet day. 

I decided as I often do on colder days, to cook and I chose this recipe that I found on a blog called "Kitchen Nostalgia".
It is called the "Do Nothing " cake. Interesting title. I like this kind of cooking! Very simple to make.
You take a few ingredient, dump them in a bowl. Then another few ingredients mix in a saucepan and pour over the cake when cooked.
It's called a do nothing cake because it was a recipe created in the 1940s before the cake mixes came on the market and needed very simple measures, ingredients and time to complete.
It was excellent especially warm with ice cream.
A perfect surprise cake.
If you want the recipe you can find it here at this link:
Now we have to wait until much later tonight to see if we have any further surprises

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