Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Storms of War by Kate Williams

The Storms of War by Kate Williams

If you loved Downton Abby you will love this book. It is  the family story of an upper-class family in early 20th century
The family buys a grand house in the English countryside in the early 1900s and wishes above all  to fit in with the  local gentry and be honored and respected by the nearby village.
The encounter a problem. Although the mother Veronique has a good English background, the father of the family, Rudolph is German and as such, they have relatives and close ties with Germany.
Just as they seem to become established and prospering, the first World War in 1914 breaks out and with it come many changes in lifestyle and  their once comfortable situation.The elder boy goes to live in Paris, the younger son volunteers for the army and both girls in their teenage years, are left to sort out the rest of the family problems.

An interesting historical novel of a time of many changes.

This is the first book of a trilogy

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